Friday, August 20, 2010 ♥
Email from NLB librarian regarding CIP

Dear Hui Mei,

Thank you very much in wanting to collaborate with us for our event on 30 Oct.

On 30 Oct 2010, we will be having a (HALLOWEEN- related) NIGHT FESTIVAL where the library will be re-decorated & patrons will come in costumes. Programmes & stories on mystery/horror and spoof-fantasy will be highlighted to children for the whole day & night (10am -9pm)

As spoken on the phone, it will be a carnival based event where there will be different interactive booths for children, families & teens to do fun stuff & there will be a line up of performances or talks or workshops allocated at various times throughout the day.

Since the event will be on halloween which is a very visual event, we would love for your group mates to help us in terms of dressing up as characters, in costumes, in order to create the atmosphere and make the library users feel like it really IS a halloween, dress up & fantasy celebration.

As spoken, we hope you can work with the school's drama club & borrow the costumes for that day. We can assist with professional make up for 2 of the volunteers who are acting as prominent characters. The remaining characters, we hope that you can prepare the make up & costumes on your own. I will try to request for help on my end and let you know if I managed to find any external help, but for now it looks difficult.
Do let me know what characters you can come as. Thanks!

Also, we spoke about staging a spooky story, storytelling session cum drama performance that is interactive & involves the children in the audience, if possible.
This can be in the form of asking the audience to repeat chants/lines in a song with u, or to come up n act as simple story characters for a while.

We also discussed about asking your teammates whether they have other talents or interests and can set up booths using those talents.

One other thing we thought about was a simple face painting booth or craft booth. Some volunteers can manage the booth while facilitating the interactive session at the booth.

Yes, we can definitely record all this under CIP hours.

Pls contact me anytime if you have questions or need help :) Thanks once again!


@ 11:35 PM

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Monday, August 9, 2010 ♥
Requirements for Articles

Hi LDS members,

The requirements for your articles are as follows.

Headline (Interesting): Century Gothic Font Size 16, Bold, Italics, Centralized

Text: Arial Font Size 12, Justified

At the end of your article, please remember to include your name and class.
E.g. By: Heng Hui Mei Sec 3/7 -- this should also be in the same font as the text of your article.

If you have any queries, feel free to email:

Hui Mei :)

@ 2:10 PM

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Welcome to TKGS LDS' blog!



This blog belongs to the TKGS Literary and Debating Society..




Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Lopez, Ms Kala & Ms Lauren Walsh
Day: Tuesday
Time: 2.30pm-4.30pm (or later)

LDS Committee 2010♥

President: Heng Hui Mei Sec 3/7
Vice President: Nisha Baskar Sec 3/7

Secretary: Stacy Khaw Shan Wen Sec 2/2

Treasurer: Susan Choy Xiao Zhen Sec 3/8