Saturday, May 9, 2009 ♥
Julia Gabriel Debating results

Natzi here.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, this is a long overdue, and rather painful post to do.

Remember the Julia Gabriel's Singapore Secondary Schools Debating Competition Ravin, Bernie, Deepika, Hanis and I were participating in? Yeah, we made the announcement during morning assembly that TKGS had made it into the Quarter-finals, top of Division III. And that on 27 March we would be going against Orchid Park at Nan Chiau High.

And for the second year in a row, we lost at the Quarter-finals to the same school.

For more info on the results of the competition, take a look at

And yeah, I'm happy to announce a couple more things.

Ravin and I went to watch the Division II and III Grandfinals. We collected our Quarter-final trophies (funny thing is, what happened to our trophies from last year?) and certificates.

And at the Grandfinals, the motion is open to the floor, and our darling Ravin won "Best Floor speaker", beating more experienced debaters from Div II schools like ACS Barker. So, a big round of applause to Ravin. Her trophy was a lot prettier than the plastic ones we got for getting into the Quarter finals.

Oh, and I got the top 10th best individual speaker for Div III; a slight improvement from last year's top 11.

@ 12:23 PM

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Welcome to TKGS LDS' blog!



This blog belongs to the TKGS Literary and Debating Society..




Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Lopez, Ms Kala & Ms Lauren Walsh
Day: Tuesday
Time: 2.30pm-4.30pm (or later)

LDS Committee 2010♥

President: Heng Hui Mei Sec 3/7
Vice President: Nisha Baskar Sec 3/7

Secretary: Stacy Khaw Shan Wen Sec 2/2

Treasurer: Susan Choy Xiao Zhen Sec 3/8